S3Logd Persistent Storage Layer
Wherein the construction of the storage layer for S3Logd is detailed.
(This post is literate Haskell, and thus may be directly copied into GHC[I])
Amazon’s S3 is a really convenient tool for any developer looking for no-fuss storage for arbitrarily-large objects - in particular, it’s extremely reliable and near-infinitely scalable. However, when your credit card is on the line, infinitely scalable
means arbitrarily expensive,
and a number of costly accidents have occurred. Amazon has refused to implement voluntary bandwidth caps on buckets, as they obviously have no financial incentive to do so. Thus, I’m writing a simple little daemon that fetched my S3 logs and checks for excessive activity or buckets that exceed a particular cost per billing period.
In order to this, one must maintain a list of total data-transfer in the current billing-period for each buckets - reliability is important, as data-loss could result in a large charge. However, ease of implementation and maintenance suggests that it would be nice not to pull in any dependencies on an external database or even something like acid-state. Thus, I decided to implement my own Simple Storage Service Supervisor Simple State Storage Solution. The design is about as simple as such things get: in-memory, with an append-only journal that records all modification events and is GC’d on startup - sorta similar to Neil Mitchell’s solution for Shake. I aimed merely to be decently performant, somewhat space-efficient, and pretty reliable - but the implementation turned out much more elegantly that I thought, so it just had to be blogged.
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> module S3Logd.Monitor.Persist (
> Persist,
> incrementBandwidth,
> resetBandwidth,
> openPersist,
> closePersist
> ) where
> import Data.ByteString hiding (empty,take,map,foldl')
> import Data.HashMap.Strict hiding (foldl',map)
> import System.IO hiding (writeFile,readFile)
> import Control.Monad.State
> import Prelude hiding (lookup,foldl,take,all,length,writeFile,readFile)
> import Data.List (foldl')
> import System.Directory (doesFileExist,renameFile,removeFile)
> import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
> import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Int
> import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString
> import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8 (fromChar)
> import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
> import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
> import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
> import Data.Monoid (mappend,mconcat)
> import Data.Bits
> import Data.Word
> import Test.QuickCheck hiding (replay)
> import System.FilePath
Fortunately, S3Logd’s storage requirements are really very minimal: we (currently) only need to store a natural number representing the number of bytes transferred in and out of an S3 bucket over a period of time. Each record thus only needs to support two possible types of mutation, namely being reset to a specific value and being increment by a value, which gives a simple type for log events:
> data LogEvent = Increment ByteString Word64 | Set ByteString Word64
> deriving(Eq,Show)
The first order of business is efficent serialization and deserialization. While the cereal or binary packages could be used to do all of this more-or-less automatically, I’ve choosen to use blaze-builder and attoparsec, in the theory that handling a possibly-incomplete record at the end of the log is much easier with attoparsec. The actual format used isn’t particularly important, so I’ve more-or-less abitrarility choosen {i
or ’s’ tag byte} NULL {bytestring} NULL {big-endian 64-bit word} NULL . This does assume that bucket names have no null-bytes - this is checked elsewhere and such a restriction is prefereable to an explicit length-field.
> serialize :: LogEvent -> ByteString
> serialize (Set name size) = ser' "s\NUL" name size
> serialize (Increment name size) = ser' "i\NUL" name size
> ser' tag name int = toByteString $ fromByteString tag `mappend`
> fromByteString name `mappend` fromChar '\NUL' `mappend`
> fromWord64be int `mappend` fromChar '\NUL'
> deserialize :: ByteString -> Either String [LogEvent]
> deserialize = parseOnly $ many (tag <*> name <*> size)
> where tag = (Set <$ string "s\NUL") <|> (Increment <$ string "i\NUL")
> name = takeWhile1 (/= 0) <* word8 0
> size = foldl orShiftL 0 <$> take 8 <* word8 0
> orShiftL word64 word8 = (word64 `shiftL` 8) .|. toEnum (fromEnum word8)
> writeEvent :: LogEvent -> Handle -> IO ()
> writeEvent l h = hPut h $ serialize l
Testing Interlude
There are a few properties of serialization/deserialization we’d like to verify: first and foremost, deserialize must be the inverse of serialize for all LogEvents. Furthermore, if we deliberately corrupt/truncate the last few bits of a serialized list of LogEvents, we should still be able to parse all events except the last. In order to verify this like a real Haskeller
(ie. someone too lazy to write unit tests), we turn to QuickCheck.
> instance Arbitrary LogEvent where
> arbitrary = (tag <$> arbitrary) <*> name <*> arbitrary
> where tag True = Set
> tag False = Increment
> name = (pack <$> arbitrary) `suchThat` \x -> all (/= 0) x && length x > 0
> prop_inv :: LogEvent -> Bool
> prop_inv l = Right [l] == deserialize (serialize l)
> prop_corrupt :: [LogEvent] -> [Word8] -> Bool
> prop_corrupt l bs = Right l == deserialize (mconcat $ (map serialize l) ++ [pack bs])
Persist Datatype
The actual datatype is similarly simple: it contains various references to the journal file backing it (path and handle), a HashMap from bucket names to total accumulated data transfer (total), a hashmap containing unlogged changes from the total data transfer (diff), and a parameter (granularity) determining the maximum size of said differences before they are written out to disk. By accumulating small changes in diff and logging them when they exceed granularity, this mechanism gives some control over the speed at which the journal grows and provides a hard upper limit on the amount of possible data loss per bucket in a crash.
> data Persist = Persist {
> total :: HashMap ByteString Word64,
> diff :: HashMap ByteString Word64,
> path :: FilePath,
> handle :: Handle,
> granularity :: Granularity
> } deriving (Show)
> type Granularity = Word64
The only semi-tricky part lies in opening a Persist structure from a file - the general algorithm is as follows:
If a backup of the journal exists, it it presumed that the last initialization failed, and so the events backup file are replayed to build the current state. Otherwise, the journal is replayed.
If a backup exists, the journal is deleted. Otherwise, the journal is renamed to the backup file.
The freshly-loaded state is written out as a series of Set events into the now-empty journal.
The backup file is deleted.
First, two utility functions - replay, responsible for reconstructing the state from a series of events, and writeState, which writes a HashMap as a series of events. Note that writeState is parameterized over a constructor for LogEvent and thus can be used to emit either Set or Increment events.
> replay :: [LogEvent] -> HashMap ByteString Word64
> replay = foldl' (flip add) empty
> where add (Increment name inc) = adjust (+inc) name
> add (Set name value) = insert name value
> writeState :: Handle -> (ByteString -> Word64 -> LogEvent) -> HashMap ByteString Word64 -> IO ()
> writeState h con hash = traverseWithKey logIfNonZero hash >> return ()
> where logIfNonZero bucket band
> | band > 0 = writeEvent (con bucket band) h
> | otherwise = return ()
Then the actual function responsible for loading the current state from a journal - slightly more complicated than the previous description as it must deal with recovering from horridly corrupt or non-existent journals.
> openPersist :: FilePath -> Granularity -> IO (Either String Persist)
> openPersist file gran = do
> let backup = file <.> "backup"
> fExists <- doesFileExist file
> bExists <- doesFileExist backup
> journal <- case (fExists,bExists) of
> (_,True) -> fmap deserialize $ readFile backup
> (True,False) -> fmap deserialize $ readFile file
> (False,False) -> return $ Right []
> case journal of
> Left failure -> return $ Left failure
> Right events -> do
> case (fExists,bExists) of
> (True,True) -> removeFile file
> (False,True) -> return ()
> (True,False) -> renameFile file backup
> _ -> writeFile backup ""
> let state = replay events
> handle <- openFile file AppendMode
> hSetBuffering handle NoBuffering
> writeState handle Set state
> removeFile backup
> return $ Right $ Persist state empty file handle gran
Destroying a Persist is much simpler - all that is required is writing out all outstanding diffs, closing the file handle, and then, if by some chance a wild backup file has spawned, deleting it so that the current state isn’t ignored.
> closePersist :: Persist -> IO ()
> closePersist p = do
> writeState (handle p) Increment $ diff p
> hClose $ handle p
> let backup = path p <.> "backup"
> exists <- doesFileExist backup
> when exists $ removeFile backup
Actually incrementing the value associated with a bucket is also decently simple:
If the bucket doesn’t exist in the HashMaps, emit a Set event to the journal and initialize the bucket’s value in the HashMap - total gets the new bandwidth, and diff is initialized to 0.
If the bucket does exist, granularity comes into play - an Increment event is only emit if the diff plus new bandwidth is greater than granularity. Otherwise, the diff and total are just incremented by the new bandwidth.
> incrementBandwidth :: ByteString -> Word64 -> Persist -> IO (Word64 , Persist)
> incrementBandwidth bucket new p = maybe newBucket existingBucket $ lookup bucket $ total p
> where newBucket = do
> writeEvent (Set bucket new) $ handle p
> return $! (new, updateTotalDiff p bucket new 0)
> existingBucket existing = do
> let outstanding = new + lookupDefault 0 bucket (diff p)
> bandwidth = existing + new
> outstanding' <- if outstanding > granularity p
> then 0 <$ writeEvent (Increment bucket outstanding) (handle p)
> else return outstanding
> return (bandwidth, updateTotalDiff p bucket bandwidth outstanding')
> updateTotalDiff :: Persist -> ByteString -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Persist
> updateTotalDiff p bucket t d = p {
> total = insert bucket t $ total p,
> diff = insert bucket d $ diff p
> }
Note that the last bit of that type signature looks rather like the result of runStateT on StateT Persist IO a! We can, in fact, use this to build a really convenient function for updating multiple buckets - all we have to do is explicitly lift it into StateT Persist IO and then use HashMap’s built-in traversal-with-applicative-functor function:
> incrementHash :: HashMap ByteString Word64 -> Persist -> IO (HashMap ByteString Word64 , Persist)
> incrementHash = runStateT . traverseWithKey lifted
> where lifted b w = StateT $ incrementBandwidth b w
Resetting a bucket’s bandwidth is rather trivial - just emit a Set event and make the relevant modifications to the state.
> resetBandwidth :: ByteString -> Persist -> IO Persist
> resetBandwidth bucket p = updateTotalDiff p bucket 0 0 <$ writeEvent (Set bucket 0) (handle p)